About the Artist    

Name Heather J Dennis
Age 27
Occupation freelance artist
Projects and groups I was an artist for A&M's newspaper for over a year Illustrating for different articles (only a few are shown on this website. A&M has the rights to them). I was also the editor for the aggie players "crow and weasel" poster and I was the artist for the poster, postcard and program cover of the aggie players "Ojen kalidoscope."
e-mail tavis@kamiki.net
Favorite Colors Blue and purple
Sign h Aquarius
Favorite Videogames Final Fantasy 7, 6, 9, 10. Crono Cross, super metroid,
Favorite mediums Photoshop, pencil and paper, prismacolor markers, and prismacolor pencils and Open canvas.
Favorite anime Slayers
Likes Rpgs, Final Fantasy, Drawing, Photoshop, looking at other artist's galleries, lurking, yaoi/shonen ai,  Anime, cats, bunnies, (any small furry animal). Fish, birds, fairies, most things fantasy oriented, Chinese food, sushi, Clint, her wacom tablet (I can't draw with a mouse >.<) doodling on anything closely related to paper, looking at nature and sleeping.
Dislikes DBZ, people with egos that could fill a zeppelin, wasps, cockroaches (may they all die!), Java (I now realize WHY they named that computer language after a coffee, because you will NEED some if you try to program with it! >.<) a good portion of country music (there are a few songs that are alright)  the sound of chalk on a chalkboard and western movies.
Livejournal http://www.livejournal.com/users/tavisharts/


My gaia avatars



Tavis Harts


Wolf the bandit


Lenore riddle

These are the only gaia avatars I have. If you are on gaia feel free to give me a poke on any one of these accounts. I like meeting new people on there. I'm on all three about the same amount. I spend a LOT of time on this site so it shouldn't be too hard to get a hold of me.

Furthermore, if you see someone trying to sell my artwork or claim that they drew any of my artwork on gaia and it isn't one of these three accounts please inform me.

(c) Heather Dennis 2003-Current