Bloody Hand
Mediums: Pencil, Photoshop, grayscale pen and (oddly enough) a scanner/printer
Not much to say about this other than I have strange daydreams from time to time. Hmm… may have something to do with everything that happened today but I have doubts about it (subconscious deciding to take over). Either that or I finally got tired of drawing cute things. Happens occasionally XD

I drew this in design class today. I was suppose to be drawing an old man sitting in a chair... as you can see that didn't happen XP.

As for what happened today if you are interested it was more or less a strange day with art thieves and a friend having her proposal to direct a play rejected when it should have been allowed to and was almost promised earlier.
Ps. On a bizarre note, I used my own hand as the model. Lets not read too much into that. ^^;


For all those who are wondering where the scanner/printer came in. After creating the lineart I scanned it several times and on the scanned versions I created several different background textures to figure out which one set the mood best in my opinion.



(c) Heather Dennis 2003-Current